Saturday, January 20, 2007

Hellllo everyone the weekend has been fine so far. I watched Kinsey with my mum last night. It's a Biotopic about Alfred Kinsey, the 'Sex Doctor' that brought sex into mainstream US in the 50s. Needless to say the material is very, very very explicit. There is open adultery (coz Kinsey believed that screwing anyone in the name of science or without compromising your spousal love was fine -_____-), nudity, sexual technicalities, and other really messed up stuff that I couldn't say. Lets just say the insights into intercourse are..enlightening.. The movie is pretty good in my opinion, though I wished there could have been more scenes exploring Kinsey's private emotions, and as well as his wife's. Liam Neeson and Laura Linney certainly do not disappoint. Their acting is excellent. In fact I generally enjoy Liam Neesons acting, heck even Qui Gong Jinn. If you want to watch it just ask (that is, if you have the fortitude, ya?)

Well today church was a little boring, because some youths were getting baptised. I was wondering about the last dude stepping into the pool because it must be kinda dirty. Dirt residue, sweat, dead skin, dandruff, corns. I doubt its easy to feel cleansed in that kinda magic water :/ But actually one scene that struck me was when some young boy with muscular dystrophy was getting baptized. I've seen him around, and his condition is so severe that he needs 2 maids to help him walk, and he doesn't talk. As the pastor said the customary thing into the mike, the boy's laboured breathing echoed around the place. I didn't know what to think of it really. I felt kinda sad, then I was thinking about whether he actually knew what was going on, or what entailed baptism, and then I thought about why god hadn't healed him.

And btw there's a rat around the house. Yesterday while watching tv, we were most disturbed by it running around the house at random instances. Rats are really sick. They're like big cockroaches except they stink more and they bite you and give you rabies. Rmb these little critters started the black death. Anyway we were even more disturbed by the fact that none of the lazy canine shites even noticed the rat run pass their sorry asses. And my oldest dog Sandy has become smelly as well because Pete either has 1) an insatiable appetite or 2) a fetish for dog fur (methinks both) and so pete licks sandy everyday. Everywhere. Oh my mother sandy reeks so bad. And today he jumped on the sofa because of the thunder and I nearly lost my mind.

Nuff said. Pool-Chelsea was disappointing. Feel sorry for cech.


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