The milkshakes were TERRIFIC. My mum wanting a sugar rush ordered a butterscotch milkshake and my sis needing the usual alcohol fix ordered a Bailey's milkshake. Both were really really really really good.
Caesar Salad. No comment. Leafy greens and more leafy greens? A match made in hell.
Crabmeat and Thyme Soup. I really enjoyed this soup. It's a little creamy, meaty and with some crunchy thingum at the side - totally my kinda thing. My sis didn't dig it but she's a fussypot.

Deep fried camembert cheese with berry sauce. This was a stunning pairing. The cheese is all soft and gooey inside and the berry sauce had that acidic sweetness that just complemented the mild salty goo. We were like WTF - eyes roll back into semi-coma state-.
Cheese fries with beef bolognaise. Now I'm a sucker for cheese fries, but you add in beef bits in? Sheesh you can enslave me with things like this.
Well at this point the meal went a little awry, with some mixed results. Also note that we already had 2 extremely cheesy cheese dishes. Law of diminishing returns for teh lose.
The seafood platter was poor and overpriced. Way too peppery, overslathered with cheese and totally unremarkable.
The ribeye conversely, was fantabulous. It was tender, juicy and of an ample size. My mum, dad and I loved it. My sister did not. But as I mentioned before, she is a fussypot.
Seafood Pasta with white wine sauce. This was a polarizing dish. I can't appreciate wine, so bitter pasta really didn't cut it for me. My sister and mum liked this. Very tastefully done though. They lit it on fire at the start and the pyrotechnics turned us into little indulgz fanbois and girls.
Crispy Pasta. I OWNED this dish. But only for people who like crunchy stuff. Really. More cheese btw.
This one really killed us. TRIPLE CHEESE BAKED RICE. At any other time this would have been superb, but the cheese overkill really pushed me off the edge I was already tethering on. I nearly had stomach failure.
K desert was interesting. I really liked the belgium waffles but my mum and sis did not. The point is, don't go into the thing expecting typical crispy waffles because belgium waffles taste more like cookies. They are thick, harder and more chewy - well just like cookies dammit. I ate 2/3 of this by myself. If that makes me greedy, so be it.
Ice-cream with raspberry trifle. My sister and mum liked the combination. I thought it was ok (relative to the waffles that is). My sister however, complained that the ice-cream was low quality. No doubt this wasn't no haagen dasz standard, but it was pretty decent. I therefore berated her for her overbearing standards.

So I think with some wiser choices, this could have been a great meal. My sis was talking about just both of us coming here to eat sometime. Sounded good to me. And also I am hungry so shall end the blogpost and go have sum dinner.
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