Ok Wanted just plain kicks ass. So far it has been the No. 1 WTF movie of the year. That is in terms of the insane action, smartass humour and the complete disregard for the boundaries of reality. It is one hell of a popcorn epic and a complete unchick flick.

So yeah wally and I were walking around J8 when I saw my cousin June. Yeah she's currently studying medicine at the University of Edinburgh and she was back for some hols or sth. Yeah she's gonna be some research demigod like some of the dudes and dudettes on my dad's side of the family. We're quite pally so I wuz like what you doing in this godforsaken place. She was like I was supposed to meet my BF (wally said she has a hot accent and don't look too bad but really wally she's taken so you pls dont ask me no more about it) but turns out he had something up. She was kinda stranded so I asked her if she wanted to come along to watch Wanted. She watches all kinds of movie genres so it worked out great.
Yeah the movie experience was fabulous. We were half laughing and half in awe at the action scenes. The movie is over the top in every way but that's what just makes it so epic and stylish. Angelina Jolie is really assassin-like (I know she's supposed to be assassin but just sayin). James McAvoy is cool in a dorky Shia Labeouf way except nearing the end he becomes some killing machine. Morgan Freeman is a typical cool old man until he says stuff like Motherf**ker and curls bullets. Haha Einstein would have screamed WTF because it means physics loses to Morgan Freeman.
Yeah after that we went to Macs and had some drinks while conducting the customary post movie discussion. Points of contention include:
- Wally thought Angelina Jolie looked old. I insisted it's because she's thin and gaunt. Wally said Hmm
- June thought the movie needed some more matrix kungfu. I thought too much kungfu just didn't fit in with the gratuitous gun action that filled the movie. I mean why hit someone when you can shoot him right?
- June thought the opening scene was too unrealistic. Wally and I disagreed and I thought it was a double standard because we're supposed to suspend our notions of reality for this kinda show.
- Car chase was kickass
- IMO loom of fate is kinda stupid. Watch the movie and find out what contraption it is. In retrospect it is completely dumb and must be simply accepted as a necessary plot device.
- James McAvoy's boss is hella funny.
Yeah so we had a great time. It's nice to have a girl in the discussions once in the while and June made for nice company. It helped that she's very open to this kinda show which can be a little crass. After that went to church with Wally. Was a little boring but there was some apostle woman who was teaching us how to make moolah. I caught the part about her talking about NOT MILLIONS, BUT BILLIONS!
Anyway Wall E is getting astonishingly good reviews. Apparently the little robot is gonna steal your heart. I can't wait. And I cannot understand why it is released in Singapore on August 28? I mean for crying out loud that's 2 months after the American release. Wtf disney? You got issues with small countries?
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