Anyway I saw this notice in the toilet. SAF generally has pretty bad english but the message had an unintentionally witty pun. It went like PLEASE DO NOT SPLASH WATER. OFFENDERS WILL BE SEVERELY DEALTH WITH. What an awesomely unsubtle threat.

Thursday was my dad's birthday so we had a pretty big meal at home on Wednesday (my night's out). He's kinda old. Both my parents are. My mum and I are getting him a godlike camera for his birthday. You know the Canon E450 that's been showing all over TV? Yeah one notch higher. Honestly I don't know if his ability matches that of the camera. He's never been the aesthetic sort with his shots. Like the "omg shift camera angle 2.8 degrees and tweak lighting mode to tungsten for max contrast" kind of photographer. Oh well since he's gonna use it for forever we might as well get him a great one.
And coincidentally tomorrow is mother's day. I haven't had time to get me mum something but I did kiss her this morning in a heartfelt display of affection. Dats right I'm a big softie at heart. I don't just kiss nobody. Tomorrow night we're going to try this buffet at goodwood park hotel so that should be eye-opening. Actually thinking about it now I clean-forgot about my grandma. Hot damn.
So yeah my com just got repaired. I always have a sense of anticipation about com repairs because it always comes back smooth, efficient and faster than before. It's almost like opening a present. Except this time I was in for a rude shock. My Call of Duty stats were all reset :( . The bastards. Do they know how many people I had to kill to get to level 40? It's just plain disrespectful :( .
And today my parents went around to look at some houses. My dad's always looking around for good investment but he seldom ever invests. He's kind of nitpicky but then again I would be too if I were throwing my money someplace. If there's one thing I gleaned from the outing it's that HOLY MOLY HOUSES ARE EXPENSIVE. The recent boom basically brought prices to a whole new, utterly unaffordable level. Bungalows are like housing nirvana because they're damn near unattainable. And I can totally see why condos are hot because the price range is pretty much the ceiling for most professionals.
Yeah my mum and I just finished watching Night Watch. It's this great russian fantasy-action picture that pits Light against Darkness.

The storyline is a little disjointed but that doesn't take anything away from the fact that it had great plot twists and was hugely entertaining. In fact piecing the facts together was far more fufilling in my opinion. My mum wasn't too keen on watching after seeing that it had vampires that drink blood but at the end even she conceded that it was "a little bit" cool. And that's coming from a woman who banned Harry Potter from the household. I'm glad she's so receptive to different genres of film. She's liked I think about 80% of the shows I've shown her - a lot of them with controversial content as well. It's just great when your parents aren't too old-school and stuff. Like when she calls me newb on the rare occasion I laugh and get all happy inside.
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