Yo everyone I know I haven't posted lately. Been kinda lazy to blog because really, interesting life material is scarce now that I'm in NS. But it's block leave and stuff has happened. Yeah I know a lot of people have blogged about their A level results and at least for me, I'm pretty relieved. It wasn't dramatic at all. No euphoria nor cries of agony. Well maybe it's because my results weren't that dramatic either. Kinda safe, kinda whatever. Anyway in all honesty I was expecting a BBBB but it was much better than that so I was just like whew. Yeah I remember after that I went out to chill with some of the guys. It was good to catch up and talk funny shit.
So wednesday was my pass out parade or POP. The parade itself was actually pretty boring and I wasn't feeling too optimistic even though my BMT was over. Everyone was like whoopdeedo -throws cap- but I was kinda mehh because I regard the end of BMT as the start of more hellish things. It's not angsty, it's just the damn sad truth :(
Thursday was an interesting day. I went over to my platoon mate's house with my section for a sleepover. Boy it was hella crazy. His house is really big with this nice play room at the top with this like 12949012 inch tv and a pool table. So from like 7 to 12 we were playing stuff like winning 11, WWE Smackdown, pool and eating junkloads of food. I would just love to have a playroom of my own next time with tons of sofas, a fridge, a com....ah nvm.
And then at 12 am was when the shit hit the fan. Haha we went for midnight lan at Bukit Timah. I lost my DOTA virginity and believe me it was painful and unsightly. I killed 0 people, could be killed in 3 seconds, didn't know how to make spells. Well to put it simply I farmed for the whole map -__-. Just not my cuppa I tell you. After that we played CS which was pretty fun. I haven't played CS more than 10 times in my life, but I'm not too bad at headshotting. Yeah it was 4.30am when we finished. I think one thing that really surprised me was that the LAN shop was packed throughout the night. There were at least 150 people in there - majority playing dota. Yeah we got back, slept and then slacked around the next morning. The degeneration was complete when my section mates started playing digimon on ps2.
And then yesterday the geog boys had a cool gathering at rayner's house. Too bad Private AL's undivided loyalty to erhem* led him to the faraway lands of the West, away from the comforts of rayner's house. Your loss beetch. Yeah first we went to the supermarkets to source for some food. We got some 1337 chiken, big sausages, slabs of beef, junk food and we cabbed down to rayna's place. Believe it or not we spent the afternoon playing BOARD GAMES. And oh no they weren't bored games (ohho witteh!). Wally apparently turned out to be quite the board game connossieur and brought this saboteur game and this complex game called Puerto Rico. Haha like what kinda cheezetastic name is Puerto Rico. The instructions manual was like 10 pages long or something. At first I thought it was some mafia game but instead you gotta make your own city. It was actually really fun and absorbing. I was generating tons of tobacco, wally was whoring corn, rayner was building random buildings, and XY was indecisively trying a bit of everything. Needless to say, XY finished last. Muahaha.
Yeah dinner was fun. It was basically 1 chef (rayner) with 3 pseudo chefs. Wally cooked the sausages, XY did the chiken and cut the burnt bits off the garlic bread, and I...well I washed the plates. And forks. Rayner cooked the steak and made tiramisu. His steak was good but we were like so full by the time only wally could finish. If I may add wally also ate about 20 chicken wings. Tiramisu was good but rayner was a little trigger happy with the alcohol so you get a mouthful of..bitter. I wish I had some pictures to put up but no one could be bothered and I don't think anyone had a camera phone. Yeah we talked a lot of crap, angsted about army. Good times with good friends.
Yeah for me this year is the year of comic book movies. Batman 2, Ironman (awesome trailer), Watchmen, Wolverine and Hellboy 2 will all be duking it out to be the best adaptation. I think Heath Ledger is going to be electrifying as the Joker. I think Robert Downey Jnr looks great as Ironman. Hugh Jackman is always a ferocious wolvie. Watchmen is directed by Zack 'THISS IS SPPARRRTTA"Snyder who for me is the only one to successfully mesh live action with this awesome comic book hue and feel.Guillermo del Toro has a stunning imagination too. Ahh I can't wait.
Here are some of the costumed photos from Watchmen. If you don't know, it's considered to be one of the best comics ever. I just downloaded it of Bittorrent and I'm gonna check it out. From a layman's point of view, I think they look spectacular.
The Comedian (super badass)

Nite Owl (a little batmanish no?)

Ozymandias (love the outfit)

Silk Spectre (sure thrashes elektra)

Rorschach (bloody cool)

And here is JabbaWockeez's dance performance this week. Really interesting take on broadway.
And finally check out the trailer for the next big Judd Apatow movie The Pineapple Express. Starring Seth Rogen and James Franco. Hilarious.
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