Thursday, November 29, 2007

Yo its finally over. What a gaylord relief. I noticed a lack of cheers at the end. More like a collective sigh. Is it just me or is the filippino woman a 110% grade A biatch? She's as anal as can be. Poor HQ got pawned. Btw I nearly burnt out yesterday. Lol was going crazy and harrassing my mum all day with trash talk. But today was alright so thank god for that and thank god for my mum too. She put up with like one pile of trash talk every 5 minutes.  

Yeah after exam today I went to play tennis with wally for 2 hours. It was pretty fun but at the end my unfit body was just torn apart. Tennis is one hell of a tiring game if you aren't used to it or don't know how to play it well. The awkward racket movement can really tire your body out and picking up balls makes for some serious back trauma. 

AND I noticed some awesome stuff on my eyebrows and behind my ears after playing. Looks like salt. My mum was pretty freaked out. I thought it was kinda cool. 

Me: But I always thought that when the sweat evaporates the salt crystallizes"
Memum: I have neva seen sumthin like this in my entire life
Me: ...... 
-lull in convo-
Me: Must be the 100 plus I drank. Isotonic salts mah
Memum: Isotonic drinks cheat you. Everything turns to acid in your stomache. 
Me: Well..umm...ah... 
Memum: I must ask my colleagues about this
Me: I could be the first ever

Hmm how interesting this must seem to you..the stuff behind my ears..

Anyway tomorrow I'm going to malaysia with my parents. Apparently we're gonna get my jacket tailor-made there because it's cheaper or something. Gosh I hate the hassle of prom. I hate doing meself up, trying to look good. And yet I don't want to go there looking like a hobo who lost his way. Formal occasion after all. 

Yeah hopefully I can get some great dvds. I'm really trying to get No Country for Old Men, American Gangster and other stuff like Lust, Caution. And some games too. Kwt can my com support COD 4?
Anyway here's an awesome WTF moment from digg. Horror of horrors 

And here's the new song by John Mayer. Say. It's OST The Bucket List which is about 2 terminally ill men (Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman) deciding to spend the rest of their life doing exciting stuff. The video fits the song perfectly. 

And for those that can take a bitta religious humour here are the 9 most badass bible verses from cracked. Real funny. 



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