Thursday, September 20, 2007


Hello! The prelims are over and I'm just happy for that. I'll leave my results up to the heavens. Anyway yesterday after the math paper the h2 math boys went to j8 to see if we could catch a movie. Well since the movie summer in US is officially over, I thought the selection would be pretty limited. BUT. I did want to watch SHOOT EM UP if it was in release because I'm hearing great kickass things about it. But there was nothing except hairspray. And I so don't dig hairspray. Last thing I wanted to see was tranny travolta -_-. 
So we trashed talked for sometime in KFC before going home. That night memum and I watched Life is Beautiful by Roberto Benigni. 

I had only watched a fraction of the movie before so I wanted to watch it in its entirety this time. Well the first 1/3 or so was about setting the whole scene for the story, and showcasing Benigni's humour and stuff. That part was a little too slapstick for us. I think it didn't help that it was in italian. My sis was like hohum this sucks and then went away to read or sth. But as it turns out, my sis was a jinx of sorts because after she left the rest of the movie was really quite wonderful :). I think once the family entered the concentration camp, the humour was just given a whole new dimension. Humour in the face of death or in the face of hardship is always that much more poignant. And the father's love for his son was really clear to the viewer. My cold heart which has been steeled in recent times by the rational logic of econs and math, yielded to such moving scenes. Damn I'm tingly. 

And anyway today I watched another movie The Motorcycle Diaries which is really one of the movies that has brought Spanish films to prominence in the 21st century. 

It's about this motorcycle journey that Che Guevara took with his friend across South America that supposedly shaped his views and prompted him to start a revolution. I thought it was a great film. Really gritty and natural. Some of the shots of South America were really beautiful and the story of the 2 guys' adventures is just chock full of interesting vignettes and how they moulded Guevara. Strong performances too from Gael Garcia Bernal (Che G) and Rodrigo Sernal. I'm not sure what I was feeling at the end. It was one of those 'Damn what an awesome journey' kinda feelings.  
Ok then tonight I'll be watching 300 with memum. Hope she digs spartans. And blood. 

During the prelim studying period I amassed quite a trough of cool videos. And now I shall unleash them on you. 

Raymond Crowe - A Wonderful World. He's singing alright, but just in a different way. 


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