Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Hello prelims have been kinda mixed so far I guess. I got totally fucked for math paper 1. Yeah totally utterly assfucked. I thought a lot of stuff was harder than in the TYS..well I think. What a total letoff. I just felt totally decimated sucky. I'm pretty much staring at a U or S. Arghh once they add some unsubtle triple twist on a particular topical question it totally utterly rapes my mind and I don't know what to do. Times that by about 12412247 and there you have awesome prelim trashshitbitchpaper.

And lately in the past few days I've been having this mild pins and needles feeling in my thumb, along with mild numbness as well. I'd like to think its a temporary thing because the way I hold my pen does put pressure (well possibly) on my thumb nerve point, cutting off blood supply. But neither my mum or I can see why this would extend beyond the exam time, to night-time as well. Oh wells hope its not carpal tunnel syndrome. Well if I lose me thumb because of this...just one more reason to shout Fuk teh Prelims!

Argh I've a feeling that this has the potential to sink in even deeper than it already has, and that when it does I'm gonna feel like a monster pile of turd. I'll probably like dig a hole in my garden and bury myself and all my woes, and let my angst feed the garden of life...turning it into TEH GARDEN OF DEATH. LET ALL THINGS WITHER PLS AND DROOP AND DIE. WTFANGST IM GONNA LISTEN TO ROOOTLESS TREEE. FKKKUUUUUANDALLWEBEENTHRU

Ok then rant over. Nice video of X factor (UK Idol) where Leon sings Home by Buble. Heartbreaking when he says 'I came by meself...'


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