Sunday, February 25, 2007

Hello am doing h3 essay. Won't be sleeping too early tonight. Having a spot of diarrhea as well. Methinks its due to the evil concoction of eating cny cookies + eating more cny cookies. Haha must be my debitum naturae after so much eating. Oh yeah I've been chugging tea to keep alert. Yeah not coffee because coffee is never strong enough eh? Damn I'm witty.

Speaking of dramafeste, it was quite enjoyable. Won't comment on whether the prizes were deserved or not, but I thought HH blew pretty hard, BB blew my mind, MT made me laugh, BW was real clever and stylish, and MR was technically brilliant.

Well extra comments...I thought BB was real deep and beautiful, cept after a bit I didn't know what was going on. The guy actor with the perennial sheepish look and drawl strangely held my attention real well. MT..hmm kwts right on about this one. They got a bit of everything. Angst, humour, action but nothing quite stunning that makes you wanna ZOMGAHDK. And Players spoof was great. I laughed really hard.

Yeah. back to econs.


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