Well I watched Watchmen with wally last night and it was an absolute visual feast. A lot of credit has to go to Zack Snyder for staying faithful to the book. The ending was slightly different and at first I was commenting to wally that it was a little hollywood the way things were so well wrapped up. But on second thoughts, it still captured the essence of the novel in quite a smart way. The ending in the novel also might not have come out so well on the silver screen. It might have been a little ridiculous.

I don't think it was as enjoyable as TDK or LOTR but it certainly was an unbelievable experience. It was a damn absorbing visual orgasm that makes you think freaking hard. The price of peace, the concept of god, the superhero, nuclear war, the nature of life... so many things. At the same time however, I think that those that have not read the graphic novel are going to be overwhelmed and mildly confused by it all. It's not a conventional superhero hero movie and neither is it easy to follow. It's heavily plot-driven and filled with flashbacks and dialogues saturated with detail which the viewer is expected to piece together himself.
Acting wise, Jackie Earle Haley(Rorschach) really stole the show with his twisted, angry (at times sad) performance. The character is already damn cool with his no holds barred, no-compromise attitude but Haley did all that and then made him more sympathetic and less "black and white" than he's made out to be in the novel. Billy Crudup (Dr. Manhattan) did well to portray that genuine detachedness while still coming across as fascinating. The Comedian was pretty badass, Ozymandias was ok and Silk Spectre was by far the worst.
Ah in other news my oldest dog Sandy is quite close to dying. He's about 13 or 14 years old now and quite clearly, he's going to go soon. He can hardly stand up nowadays and when he gets up he can't even walk without flopping down after a few steps. My mum suspects he had a stroke. He can't even get up to take a shit and ends up in his own urine and faeces. It's kinda tragic and painful to see him like that so my parents have been considering putting him down. Personally for me I've never been that close to Sandy. When he was first bought I was only about 7 years old so I never really forged a significant bond with him at the start. It's harder when you try after a few years. He and my dad definitely shared a much tighter bond. I'm a lot closer to Pete and Eddie so if either of those two die, I'll be devastated. But Sandy... I'll probably just be sad.
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