Hello. Been looking for 1984 quotes all night and atm I am suffering from an absolutely mortifying jaw-ache. From excessive yawning. I think this week I'm gonna have to study overnight if I want to finish physical geog. Eliminating the sleep cycle altogether would be pretty badass. Oh well just too slow at memorizing this uninteresting stuff about ice ages and climate. And the thing about physical geog is that your cramming has got to be pretty anal. Its just not enough to get like half of the detail only, or forget half of the detail after a while because you can't really smoke your way outta the exam.
On another note I'm finding that afternoons are my most unproductive periods. Maybe its the heat or the sleepy after lunch blues. Cool evenings are great though.
Hmm. the family actually went to the line on sunday night to celebrate fathers day. I might post up a few new pictures (ie dishes I didnt post up the last time) later on. In the meantime, since lip posted up a new picture of kurara chibana for the guys to perv at, I'll post up the ever slick, masculine optimus prime to uh...please the ladies.
On another note I'm finding that afternoons are my most unproductive periods. Maybe its the heat or the sleepy after lunch blues. Cool evenings are great though.
Hmm. the family actually went to the line on sunday night to celebrate fathers day. I might post up a few new pictures (ie dishes I didnt post up the last time) later on. In the meantime, since lip posted up a new picture of kurara chibana for the guys to perv at, I'll post up the ever slick, masculine optimus prime to uh...please the ladies.

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