Saturday, October 28, 2006

Hahaha smoot pwned. Even if it was for like 15 minutes, it was utter pwnage. Noob. Kahhahaah i hide behind the internet and act bravely. If i repost it our viewership will skyrocket but i may not be alive by the end of next week so... Nyahahahhaa. Btw pecky saw it and i THINK he has the pic. : )

Anyways this morning i went for the adventist home visit thingy at toa payoh which pecky being the dutiful and caring interactor he is, ponned brutally and without mercy. THE FREAKING AH MAS AND AH PEKS WERE LIKE THANKS FOR COMING AND NO THANKS TO PECK FOR NOT COMING. Screwball. I had fun playing chinese chess i wooped panial's ass badly although i got caned at carom(carrom?) by the old mean dudes they have a freaking mean flick okay. Then yong and i degened and talked about pokemon for the rest of the thing hawhaw. Childhood (okay sec3 shuttup) memories. We were laughing about how 70 years from now we'll all be sitting in their places talking about the same things and whacking each other on the backs only that at that time, we'll end up snapping our spines after hitting too hard. Like: HAHAHAH YOU STUPID NOOB WHACK TWISTCRACK OW _____ YOU CHICKENSHID B_______.

Then I went for a threesome in the RJ dark room. There was lots of screaming and running around and angst and cushions and cucumbers. And really big diamonds. Ok that sounded horrible. Plays were good my fav was the last one cuz it was emo and someone died in it. The second one was pretty good cuz i got to see two (!!!) featured LAP(A) GAY(O) shirts that surely must have come from han. I think parren and reuben were cool letards. And dajie has a mean scream. Well shoutout to all those there/acting/directors/AV/stagehands (hahaha).

heehee photo stil.


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